
Coocafé receives visit of Irish e English partners

On march, 25 and 26 last, representatives from companies Bewley`s, Topaz Energy and Complete Coffee visited Coocafe.  They arrived on Thursday (03/25/2010) at the Cooperative and visited  Warehouse of Areado (LajinhaMG), traveling internal and external areas, getting a close to the machinery, logistics, and other about information Coocafe storage system.

On Friday (03/26) early, the staff was at Arnaldo Leite Ribeiro State School  – institution educational that performs the Juventude Program Peas. This program is a MG government, initiative developed around the state. In that school, the project is supported by Coocafe and SICOOB Credicaf.  Partners knew the vegetable garden organic and computer room that school earned and saw pictures of the dancer classes and theater as well . Then the group went out to the Antonio Sathler State School, winner of the Project Field School 2009. Coocafe board gave a that school computer because a student from there did the best job about Field School, performed which is by the partnership between Coocafe and Syngenta. The school also prepared theatrical presentations, who received applause from present.                 

Before lunch, visitors went to Children's House of Lajinha/MG. Coocafe and SICOOB Credicaf support the institution donatives. They take of needy children, recovery school computer classes, food, sports etc.

In the afternoon, Irish and English passed by a little at the Coopcel – education cooperative founded by Coocafe and SICOOB Credicaf. Students and teachers the partners received. Next, they went to know a typical farm of the region, visiting Dona Conceição, a partner that, as the vast majority, working on a family farm.

Finishing the visit, all of then went to Warehouse of Areado, wich tasted coffee and listened to the chairman of the Project Free to Live, José Costa. The project, that is supported by Coocafé, has the primary purpose prevent people against drug and alcohol  and reintegrating then – the patients – to the sociality.  After the conversation, was performed the symbolic closure of the visit, with a little presentation  about the Coocafe – performed by CEO, Fernando Cerqueira – and from both sides acknowledgments . The moment served for all expose impressions about the visit and conclude that the event was very valuable, all respects. In all the way, the Irish and English were followed by employees of the Coocafe, among them the directors Fernando Cerqueira (CEO), João Noronha (Administrative Director Financial) and Pedro Araújo (Director of Production and Marketing).

Before lunch, visitors went to Children's House of Lajinha/MG. Coocafe and SICOOB Credicaf support the institution donatives. They take of needy children, recovery school computer classes, food, sports etc.In the afternoon, Irish and English passed by a little at the Coopcel – education cooperative founded by Coocafe and SICOOB Credicaf. Students and teachers the partners received. Next, they went to know a typical farm of the region, visiting Dona Conceição, a partner that, as the vast majority, working on a family farm.Finishing the visit, all of then went to Warehouse of Areado, wich tasted coffee and listened to the chairman of the Project Free to Live, José Costa. The project, that is supported by Coocafé, has the primary purpose prevent people against drug and alcohol  and reintegrating then – the patients – to the sociality.  After the conversation, was performed the symbolic closure of the visit, with a little presentation  about the Coocafe – performed by CEO, Fernando Cerqueira – and from both sides acknowledgments . The moment served for all expose impressions about the visit and conclude that the event was very valuable, all respects. In all the way, the Irish and English were followed by employees of the Coocafe, among them the directors Fernando Cerqueira (CEO), João Noronha (Administrative Director Financial) and Pedro Araújo (Director of Production and Marketing).

Click here to see the photos of the visit.

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