
Projovem students visit Coocafé

Last week, 11/03/2010, Coocafé received visitors as students who participate of the Projovem (National Program for the Youth Inclusion), from – Lajinha/MG, Accompanied by the coordinator Adealder, young people visited the facilities warehouses in Areado (Lajinha/MG), that had been recently duplicated and be undergoing some renovations. The students also visited the sheds and they understood the processes by which the coffees of the cooperatives are submitted before being marketed.

The machineries aroused attention of the young, that did questions and they recorded the moment. Later, they  visited the sheds, the tasting lab, the office and then, they watched the Institutional Movie Coocafé 30 Years. Before returning Home, the students still tasted a delicious coffee, served in the Coocafé refectory.

The Projovem is a Program of the Federal Government, which is accomplished in partnership with CRAS (Reference Centre for Social Welfare). In Lajinha, are benefited more than 40 young, from 15 to 17 years old.       

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